Unlock your potential and live the fulfilling life you deserve.
Do you have a burning desire to express your love for leather in a unique way? Well, you're not alone! Each person has their own individual vision of how they want to manifest their attraction to leather. And my goal is to help you unleash that vision and bring it to life! No one else shares the same desire as you, so it's time to embrace your true self and live your life to the fullest without any regrets. Are you ready to take the leap and make your dreams a reality? Let's do this!
Unsere Services
5 Std.
- Weiterlesen
Unlock open communication and build stronger intimacy.
5 Std.
5 Std.
- Weiterlesen
More than just clothes, it's about claiming your space and expressing your authentic self.
5 Std.
If you’re not sure where to start, book a trial session
This allows you to ask questions, explore our approach, and determine the ideal pace for your personal growth.

30 Min.
70 Euro1 Std.
200 Euro
Kimi, South Korea
It was very interesting and helpful for me to have Open Talk with Deni C. She made me feel comfortable and listen to me seriously. She let me to think about myself and my attraction to leather. Before I had the Open Talk with her, I did not recognize how to deal with my feelings about leather. Now, I feel much better than before. She was very polite and patient and out conversation was very smooth. I strongly recommend you to book a call if you want to improve in every part of yours. It will make you changed.
JF, Paris
When I met D. for the first time, and asked her how we'd recognize each other’s, she replied: “It'll be obvious.” And indeed it was more than obvious.
D. is really an inspiring person with a desire to help others grow and develop. She does it with a lot of authority and naturally.
With her, everything happens with great ease. She has a fascinating distinction and natural class.
She's a very mature person who you can trust completely. Just one piece of advice: let yourself go in her world!
Michael, Germany
After reading DeniC‘s impressive book „Power of Leather“ I was curious to learn more about this classy lady always dressed in elegant leather. I intended to convince myself whether my excellent impressions from the book were true. My conclusion after the talk: yes, everything is true. I could realize: DeniC is a dignified ambassador and promoter for high-quality leather clothing, she lives her leatherpassion, she is self-confident and intelligent. She is very friendly and respectful towards her counterpart during the talk. She is able to encourage others. For me personally the talk was an additional booster to come closer to that what DeniC is describing in her book „a personal type level 1“. See for yourself.
Robin, France
Meeting DeniC was an unforgettable experience that transformed my perception of leather.
Before our meeting I was hesitant about buying leather, but she gave me the confidence to take the leap and purchase my first leather jacket. It has been a huge confidence boost for me and I am now gradually transforming my wardrobe with more refined pieces, which brings me immense joy.
Finally, her coaching inspired me to become more elegant day by day and it’s a process that brings me great happiness.
Is there anything you need to do before our meeting?
It helps if you read my book, as you will find a lot of information about my path towards leather lifestyle there. If you are not a book collector, buy an online version in the shop section. And if you are not a reader at all, never mind, we can discuss everything when we Open Talk.
How it works
The mentoring relationship is inherently flexible and can vary tremendously in its form and function. The mentoring relationship exists between one individual in need of developmental guidance and another individual who is both capable and willing to provide that guidance. Further, the mentoring relationship represents an important developmental relationship for the mentee as it supports and facilitates his or her personal development.
Potential mentees search for experienced, successful people whom they admire and perceive as good role models. Potential mentors search for talented people who are "coachable."
Both parties seek a positive, enjoyable relationship that would justify the extra time and effort required in mentoring.

Show your mentor you appreciate their time providing guidance and sharing their knowledge with you by spending some time thinking about what kind of mentoring relationship you want.
First ask yourself why you’re looking for a mentor in the first place. Is it because you’re looking for a guidance in your current personal situation? Or perhaps you’d like to discover new possibilities and need help developing your qualities? Or maybe your goals are even more concrete than that: You’d like to develop a skill by a certain date so that you can raise your hand for an opportunity when arrises.
Whatever it is that you want out of your mentoring relationship, establishing short and long term goals will help you determine what you aim to accomplish from your time together. Answering these questions for yourself will help you devise proper questions to ask your mentor.
What is the role of mentor:
A mentor will challenge many aspects of the mentee’s life, including, but not limited to, career, relationships, goals, life plans, motivation, spirituality, and health.
The main objectives of the mentor are to help develop the individual’s ideas, plans, capabilities, growth potential, judgement and, ultimately, wisdom.
Mentors need to help mentees structure “how to solve their issues” versus providing “what the solutions may be.”
Last but not the least, mentor gives his/her personal commitment, energy and enthusiasm to make it work.
What is the role of mentee:
Mentees need to feel comfortable talking about their personal issues with their mentor.
A mentee should do his or her best to share as many details as possible about significant challenges, thinking, plans, and struggles.
Mentees should be responsible for taking care of the organizational aspects of the relationship, e.g. setting up and confirming meetings, taking notes, etc.
The mentee must commit to act on what was agreed upon with the mentor