This year the snow was a bit of a bummer. At least I could get some rest. Otherwise, I would have spent the few days between Christmas and New Year on the slopes. With new skis. (Thank you Santa)

I've been needing it a lot, a break.
The last few months have been very intense and I'm glad I had time, (not as much as I needed though), to recover. With a book in my hand and wood crackling in the stove, I look back on the past year, but mostly I prepare myself for the one that has just begun.
This is going to sound like a cliche, but 2022 was a very special year. It was the year my family made their wishes come true. A year when we got the things we wanted. It took a lot of work and effort, but we each accomplished something and moved forward. And that's what's important!
For me, the biggest achievement was my book.
Was it my wish, or was it fate?
Everything moved so naturally, as if it was meant to be.

This makes me think... what has fate prepared for me this year? And anyway... do I leave it to fate or do I take it into my own hands?
So I would rather put it like this, "What am I going to get for myself this year?"
I'm not exactly a person who sits back and waits for things to happen on their own. They don't. We have to make them happen!
And so I will start the new year with so called resolutions, which I prefer to call planning.
Every year I write down my New Year's planning. It's a great exercise in appreciating the things that happened in the previous year, finding things that could be improved and at the same time focusing on what I want to achieve in the year ahead.
How else is the goal achieved than with effective planning?
So here is an inspiration on how to make a plan for the next year.
1. Sport
There is always a sports challenge on my list. Last year I did the MIUT trail in Madeira 42km. This year I see it more on GR20 in Corsica, this time crossing the whole island!

2. Work
Meeting sales targets.
Finding a new member for the team,
or simply to increase efficiency.
These are the normal goals of a manager. Every year it is the same.
The year 2023 seems to me to be a good year for change...
How about focusing on fulfilling my potential?!
If not me, then who? If not now, then when?
3. Personal development
Read more books,
listen to at least one podcast a week,
or do at least one LinkedIn exercise a month.
I didn't read many books last year, but I did create one. So I'll balance it out again this year. Ten seems like a doable number.
4. Pleasure
People often forget about this category in their planning. In my case, it's the center of everything.
Happy wife, happy life. When the wife is happy, so is everyone around her.
It is necessary to plan pleasure, whether small or big. The main thing is not to rely on others and make things more pleasant for yourself.
For me in this category, there is something about dancing and traveling. And then other things that I keep for myself. ;)
5. Power Of Leather
This category is new since last year. But just as important as the others.
Last year it was in the spirit of a book and a blog.

What's planned for this year ?
You must stay tuned as I am not going to spoil all surprises!
Words come and go, only the written word remains. Things can change, but the important thing is not to lose direction and go for what we want in life.
In the end we only regret things we didn’t do. So in order to get done everything we want, we need to organize ourselves.
What are your plans for 2023?
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A pleasure to read these words, a pleasure to follow PowerOfLeather and a great pleasure to follow whoever thought, wrote, designed all of this, for 2023 it will be fascinating to follow her! Intelligence, determination, a project that comes from the soul... something tells me that 2023 will be even more extraordinary for the PowerOfLeather writer, I'm sure of it, and I wish it to her, with a smile!